Tag: Movember
Remember, remember a busy November!
Wow, what a month! And it isn’t finished yet. Been so busy this month at the detriment of my site. Movember ‘taches and poppies all came at once! As well as the success of the Mo’stache brooches, I managed to raise £62 for the Poppy Appeal.
Mo’vember Update
I know it’s been a long time since I’ve done an update, but I’ve been busy crocheting like mad to get the order of ‘taches complete. I completed the final ten for Duncan on Monday, sold 5 myself on the way to drop them off and when I got to the shop with the delivery…
Mo’ket Harborough here I come!!
First order for CraftyPinkGiraffe.com is 50 moustaches for the charity event that is, Mo’vember. Mo’ket Harborough is not going to know what’s hit it! Check out moketharborough.com.